Las Madres '80 East

easter banner

4th     Brian Miller
8th     Randi Heinrichsen
10th    Julie Corral
11th    Trevor Wilson
12th    Merrilee Claverie
           Todd Claverie
14th    Lynn Miller
24th   Tyler Brooks-Schulke
25th    Marcos Gomez

Month of April
Saturday Coffees

9 am
LeBou at San Felipe/Yerba Buena
Contact: Robin
April 17
Coffee Field Trip
9 am
Contact: Robin
April 21
7:15 pm
Ladies Poker Night
RSVP: Sharon
May 1
Couples Poker Night
Pitcher's House
RSVP: Cindy
May 7-9
De Valle Camping
Contact: Joan

April Meeting
When: Wednesday, April 21, 7:15 pm
Where: Sharon's House
What: Ladies Poker Night
Our April meeting will be hosted by Sharon on Wednesday, April 21st.  We'll be having a ladies poker night.  Cindy will be teaching us how to play some poker game(s) such as Texas Hold 'Em. Bring a munchie or appretizer to share.  RSVP to Sharon so that she & Cindy know how many will be coming.

March Meeting Recap
14 Ladies came together on St. Patrick's Day to enjoy a traditional corned beef and cabbage meal at Janis's house.  Wow!  Shirley I really appreciate the 3 years you put this function on....lot's of work, but really enjoyable.  Seems the big turn outs involve food (Christmas and St Pat's Day) and activities (bocce).
The May Ladies trip was discussed at the after dinner meeting and it seems doubtful that we will go to Emily's House in Paso Robles as the numbers of committed people are small.  Unless Vicki hears from enough people to make it affordable to go, she will cancel it.  If there is interest in going somewhere else and someone wants to step up to plan it, please bring your ideas to the April meeting or send out suggestions to everyone.

8-Ball  8 ball
Husbands and wives played together for the first time in the history of our annual 8-ball matches. The Nevolis were the ultimate winners....or should we say survivors!  We definitely proved that some things don't get better with age.  Maybe next year we'll need to remove a few balls from the table to keep the game from going into the wee hours.

Happy Retirement
Wishing Lou D'Agosta the best as he enters this new chapter of his life.

Saturday Coffee Clatches Continue
We meet every Saturday morning at 9 am at Le Boulanger at San Felipe and Yerba Buena.  There is a Starbucks across from it if you need something "special" to go with your bagel or pastry.  Our away coffee for April will be to ??? (More information will be provided when the editor receives it.)

e-Mail Tidbit

I Just Knew It

With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information and
wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out
to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured,
educated and happy.

Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think,
Good grief, look how smart I am!

Must be where 'Smart Ass' came from!


easter bunny basket


Happy Easter!

President - Janis Gerlinger
Treasurer - Vicki Rasmussen
Newsletter & Webmaster - Ginny Gomez
Coffee Coordinator - Robin Nevoli
Executive Committee - Randi Heinrichsen, Joan Wilson and Sally Brooks-Schulke