February 17, 2000
Sharon's House
March 4
Adult 8-Ball
Casa de Gomez
March 24-26
"Spring Fling" Ladies Weekend
RSVP Kathy
July 29-
August 6th
1st Kacey Roessler
John Castagnoli
3rd Walt Wilson
10th Shirley D'Agosta
16th Christopher (Caso)
28th Linda Good
29th Mathew Hennig
February Meeting
When: Thursday, February 17 , 7:15PM
Where: Sharon's House
What: LM Nightshirt Designing
What Else: Bring a Munchie
February Meeting will be hosted by Sharon Simmons. We will initially
have a design session to configure our “Las Madres Nightshirts”. Come help
draft the design and choose the color for our twentieth year commemorative
shirt. This nightshirt will be available to all members and will be initiated
at our Slumber Party Celebration. (more details to follow). After we have
worked out the ideas, we will have a chance to learn a fun new game called
Mexican Train. Come join in the fun, and maybe this new game will
be attempted as a couples event.
January Meeting Info
Dues, Roster & Member Info
Annual dues of $10 were due to Vicki by January 31st. If you complied,
you will be included in the roster which Ginny will produce this year in
a hard copy form. Please check with Ginny if you have new information such
as work phone or email address changes. If your require a hard copy of
our monthly newsletter to be mailed to you in lieu of internet mail, you
need to include an additional $5.00.
Missing Members: At the time of posting this newsletter, these
people are still not current with their dues, Alene Brown and Lyn Distaso.
If you are in contact with them, please encourage them to send in their
dues. They are
Saturday Coffee Clutch
Upcoming Activities
Mark your March calendars for the following dates. These events were
discussed and updates will be in the March newsletter. I am not going to
list the entire years activities until these events are relevant. Please
feel free to call me if you require the details.
March 4th: 8-ball Party at the Gomezes
March 16th: Las Madres meeting at the movies
March "Spring Fling" Ladies Get-Away Weekend
Grease is the Word!
Kid's Korner
Denise's Pioneer High School Varsity Spirit squad placed first in Varsity
Show Cheer at the USA Northern California Regional Chamionships beating
last year's National Champions. They also qualified to go to the
USA National Champioships in Anaheim at the end of March.
Golf......Any Los Padres?
Pinecrest Reservations
The phone number for Pinecrest reservations is 1-800-280-2267.
Last year some people didn't have it.
Free CD stand/stacker
Does anyone want a CD stand/stacker? Michael was going to throw
it away, but I will give it to anyone who wants it. I had it at the meeting
and forgot about it. It is about 1 ft. square, 5 layers, and each
level holds about 50 CD's. Perfect for someone with a growing collection,
and maybe one of the kids would like it...Call Shirley
Job Available at Novtek
Novtek has an immediate opening for a full-time receptionist.
M-F, 8 AM - 5 PM. Requires phone experience, Windows/PC and clerical
skills. If you know of anyone who's looking, send them my way.
Because we need someone right away, we'll consider a temporary fill-in
while we search. $500 finder's fee. Payable for permanent hires only
and only if the hire lasts three months. Contact Ruth.
This seems to be how
women handle self image as they age:
Age 8: Looks at herself and sees
Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty etc.
Age 15: Looks at herself and
sees Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty/Cheerleader or if she is PMS'ing sees Fat/Pimples/UGLY
("Mom I can't go to school looking like this!")
Age 20: Looks at herself and
sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly" - but
decides she's going anyway.
Age 30: Looks at herself and
sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly" - but
decides she doesn't have time to fix it so she's going anyway.
Age 40: Looks at herself and
sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly" - but
says, "At least, I'm clean" and goes anyway.
Age 50: Looks at herself and sees
"I am" and goes where ever she wants to.
Age 60: Looks at herself and reminds
herself of all the people who can't even see themselves in the mirror anymore.
Goes out and conquers the world.
Age 70: Looks at herself and sees
wisdom, laughter and ability, goes out and enjoys life.
Age 80: Doesn't bother to look.
Just puts on a red hat and goes out to participate in the world.
Age 90: Can't see and so doesn't
worry about it!
Help in planning that special day
Menus, Valentines, Romantic Music
Ask Cupid a Question
President - Joan Wilson
Newsletter & Web Mistress - Ginny Gomez
Treasurer - Vicki Rasmussen
Historian - Sue Butler & Janis Gerlinger