Las Madres '80 East



January 18th
Merrilee's House

January 20th
Coffee place on Thornwood near Blossom Hill
(across from Montgomery Ward)

January 27th
Pioneer High School's Big Band Dessert Dance and Silent Auction
Call Randi for tickets

June 30-July 7

1st        Adam Gerlinger
             Sue Ballard
6th        Tim Good
8th        Bill Caso
11th      Mary Ryan
             Shanna Smith
13th      Adam Reid
14th      Krystal Nevoli
16th      Vicki Rasmussen
22nd     Tim Ballard
             Gary Nevoli

What: 2001 Planning
When:  Thursday, January 18, 7:15pm
Where:  Merrilee's House

We will have our annual planning meeting at our new President's house.  Check with Merrilee as to what you need to bring.

Christmas Party 2000 Memories
Our annual Christmas Party will surely go down in history as the year the group pulled the wool (or should I say reindeer) over Ginny's eyes.  A year of planning resulted in the wildest gift exchange in our club's history!  Reindeers of every description wrapped in reindeer paper or nestled in reindeer bags took this year's annual "kill or be killed" exchange to new levels.  It only took Ginny three presents to figure out that the group had "got" her.  It definitely proved that Ginny's idea for a reindeer theme would be enjoyed by all!  (Editor's Note:  You all got me........THANKS!....and Randi, we will NOT be doing a penguin theme next year.)


Dues for 2001 were due by the Christmas Party.  Anyone who is delinquent in  paying their dues (i.e. has not already paid) needs to send $15 to Sharon ASAP!

Pioneer High School's Big Band Dessert Dance and Silent Auction

Come join the Heinrichsens at Pioneer High School's Big Band Dessert Dance and Silent Auction.  This will be held in the Performing Arts Center at Pioneer on Saturday, January 27th from 7:30 p.m to 11:00 p.m.  Cost is $20 per person with checks made out to Pioneer (tax deductible).  The bands  will be entertaining, dancing, socializing, dessert, and the silent auction will take place.  This is always sold out early so let Randi know as soon as possible.

Saturday Coffee Clatches Continue 

Meet your Las Madres friends for some coffee and conversation at the Starbuck's at White and Aborn on Saturday mornings at 9am.  Every third Saturday is a "field trip" - check the Coming Events calendar for the location.


Money Can't Buy Everything...(or "Some Insight from a 1980 Kid")

    Money can buy a house, but not a home.

    Money can buy a bed, but not sleep.

    Money can buy a clock, but not time.

    Money can buy a book, but not knowledge.

    Money can buy food, but not an appetite.

    Money can buy position, but not respect.

    Money can buy blood, but not life.

    Money can buy medicine, but not health.

    Money can buy sex, but not love.

    Money can buy insurance, but not safety.

    You see, money is not everything.

    Therefore, if you have too much money, please send it to me immediately.
    I need it for the New Year.

Roster Update
We have a number of new members as well as some "veteran" members who are rejoining.  Info on all will be sent by e-mail soon.

Post your New Year's resolutions online!

President - Merrilee Claverie
Vice President & Historian - Joan Wilson
Newsletter & Webmaster - Ginny Gomez
Treasurer - Sharon Simmons
Coffee Coordinator - Sue Ballard 1