Las Madres '80 East



September 15
Moss Landing
RSVP:  Robin

September 19
Meeting at Kathy's
Shoeboxes for Shelters
Contact:  Kathy

September 21
Coffee Field Trip
Starbucks in Silver Creek Complex
(next to Costentino's)
Contact:  Robin

September 25
Craft Night
Vicki's House
Contact:  Vicki

September Birthdays

1st        Chris Tsafos (Happy 19th!)
4th       Ginny Gomez
            Lou D'Agosta
5th       Elliott Brown (Happy 22nd!)
            Lauren Grady (Happy 20th!)
6th       Megan Grady (Happy 16th!) 

8th       Denise Heinrichsen (Happy 19th!)
10th      Greg Wilson (Happy 25th!)
            Bruce Kranak
15th      Marian Caso
17th      Robin Nevoli

            Rich Claverie
19th      Darren Heinrichsen (Happy 22nd!)
25th     Leah Verhoeven (Happy 20th!)
            Cathie Martinez
27th     Doug Eastman

28th     Cathy Hennig

September Meeting
When:  September 19, 7:15pm
Where:  Kathy's House
What:  Shoeboxes for Shelters
Hopefully everyone has been collecting back to school supplies and saving all those little shampoos from vacation. Also need any shoeboxes & wrapping paper.

Robin called the company and the date has been set for Sunday, September 15 at approximately 10am. The name of the company is Kayate Connection and their address is 2370 Moss Landing (Highway 1). Phone number 831-724-5692.  The plan for the day is to rent 2-person kayates and picnic for lunch at the nearby beach in Moss Landing.  The cost is $40 for 4 hours for two people.  (If you do the math, that means $20 per person for 4 hours.) Robin would like an RSVP by September 1 (before this newsletter is even online!) as the club needs to put up a 50% deposit.
(Editor's note:  What is a kayate?)

Fall Ladies Trip
At the last meeting a decision was made to move the October ladies trip to the second week of Oct. as many were not be able to make it on the original weekend. The following places are being researched: Yosemite, Pajaro Dunes, Cambria Pines Lodge, and Tahoe (because it is usually the cheapest). Because it has not been clear how many people are interested in going it is hard to quote per person prices at this point. Please email Vicki ( ASAP and state your first, second and third choices so plans can move forward. If you will not go if a certain destination is chosen please mention it.

Sandcastles Update
Six families enjoyed another pleasant day at Capitola for the Sandcastle Contest and Beach Breakfast. Mr. Johnson's "Hogwarts" ended up taking 2nd place in the large group competition. (Even though he ended up having only 2 in his group plus some shoveling by Walt and water hauling by Keith) Janis was nominated to bring her great fruit kebabs every year!!...............Kathy

Come See "Mame " Pioneer High School on Oct. 2-5 at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $12 for adults, $6 for students. Randi and David have great parts and would appreciate the support. E-mail Randi for more info...

Alaska Trip Update
We now have 21 couples who have reserved so far for the July 12, 2003, Alaska cruise/train trip (12 days). There is still room.... all you need is a $350 per person deposit on a credit card to hold your spot. Don't be left out! Call Randi or Ruth for more info. Deposits can be made directly over the phone to Betty(Randi's mom).

Evergreen Garden Club 2002
Are you a gardener?  Wannabe gardener?   If so, you might be interested in the new "Evergreen Garden Club."  Las Madres members Ruth Eastman and Marti Kranak are part of a small group that has recently formed to promote home gardening in the Valley.  No experience required; in fact, you don't even need a yard...a pot will do.     If you're interested, check out the very rudimentary web site at:
Or, feel free to call or email Ruth Eastman (  We have field trips planned for July, August and September and home meetings for the winter months.
"Life Begins the Day you Start a Garden"

Pacific International Quilt Festival
On October 17-20, this year's festival will be at the Santa Clara Convention Center.  Over 700 quilts and garments will be on display and many of them will be competing for prize monies.  The Vendor Mall will have over 200 booths with all your quilting needs.  Workshops and lectures are offered.  To register, obtain an online quilt competition form, or simply for more information visit:

Las Madres is turning 50!
There are plans in the works for a celebration for the 50th Anniversary of Las Madres in 2003.  Visit the website below to read a little bit about it.  I have been making inquiries to find our more information and will pass along anything I receive.......Ginny

Saturday Coffee Clatches Continue

Meet your Las Madres friends for some coffee and conversation at the Starbuck's at White and Aborn on Saturday mornings at 9am.  Every third Saturday is a "field trip" - check the Coming Events calendar for the location of this month's excursion.  This month we'll be getting our Starbuck's coffee at the Silver Creek complex next door to Costentino's and then going to the tables and chairs behind the complex that overlook the creek.


Educator Joke (from Randi)

In an effort to add diversity to the workforce, five cannibals get hired by a large school district. During the welcoming ceremony the superintendent says, "You're all part of our team now. You can earn good money here, and you can go to the cafeteria for something to eat. So please don't trouble any of the other employees". The cannibals promised. Four weeks later the superintendent returns and says, "You're all working very hard, and I'm very satisfied with all of you. However, one of our janitors has disappeared. Do any of you know what happened to him?"

The cannibals all shake their heads no.

After the boss left, the leader of the cannibals says to the others, "Which of you idiots ate the janitor?"

A hand raises hesitantly, to which the leader of the cannibals replies, "You FOOL! For four weeks we've been eating Assistant Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Team Leaders, Supervisors and Coordinators and no one noticed anything, and YOU had to go and eat the janitor!



Back-to-School Ideas for Elementary Teachers


President & Treasurer - Vicki Rasmussen
Newsletter & Webmaster - Ginny Gomez
Coffee Co-Coordinators  - Robin Nevoli & Tina Cuneo
Executive Committee - Randi Heinrichsen, Joan Wilson and Sally Brooks-Schulke