Las Madres '80 East


September 16
 Book Review Meeting
Sharon's House
Bring a Snack

September 26
Beach Blanket Breakfast at New Brighton
RSVP & $ by September Meeting
Joan, Robin, or Sue Butler

October 15-17
Pacific Grove Weekend
Call Dee if you'd like to go

    1st       Chris Tsafos
    4th       Ginny Gomez
                Lou D'Agosta
    5th       Elliott Brown
                Lauren Grady
    6th       Megan Grady
    8th       Denise Heinrichsen
    10th     Greg Wilson
                Bruce Kranak
    13th     Kyle Smith
    15th     Marian Caso
    17th     Robin Nevoli
                Rich Claverie
    19th     Darren Heinrichsen
    25th     Cathie Martinez
                Leah Verhoeven
    27th     Doug Eastman III
    28th     Cathy Hennig

September Meeting
   When:  Thursday, September 16, 7:15PM
    Where:  Sharon's House
    What:  Book Review of "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" by Rebecca Wells
    What Else:  Bring a snack
Sharon is hosting this month's meeting which is a book discussion on the book we have all read.  (You have finished it haven't you?)
Shirley wants everyone to remember to bring your books to trade for the book box.
Ruth says, "I think the refreshments should be mint juleps...or at least bourbon!" (The editor agrees!)

Beach Blanket Breakfast

Beach Breakfast to be held on Sunday, September 26th at 9:00am at Seacliff Beach.
RSVP by the September Meeting.
Cost is $4.00/person  (Parking is $6.00/car so carpool)
Send money to Joan, Robin or Sue Butler BEFORE the meeting if you are unable to attend.

Pacific Grove Update from Dee
"The following ladies have signed up for our get away weekend to Pacific Grove on Oct. 15-17:  Sue B., Kathy, Robin and her mom, Shirley, Janis, Ruth and Dee.  We've reserved two - one bedroom suites which sleep six.  Since we only have 8 ladies going, the cost is pretty steep - with tax it will be $90.75 per person.  If this is a problem, and you decide not to go, or if you did not sign up, but have decided that you would like to go (which would reduce the cost per person), please let Dee know as soon as possible. We'll collect the money in early October, and head down for a wonderful weekend!  Final details will be in next month's newsletter."

Message from Shirley

"THANK YOU to all of you who have remembered us recently since the death of my mother.   We appreciate all the calls, cards, visits, hugs, flowers and donations.   It is a bitter sweet time, as most of you know my mother was quite elderly and frail, but she was still my mom and I would always
want to have her as part of my life.   But as mothers, I guess we are always part of our families' lives, and in some way of the lives of the generations that follow..  My brother wrote a beautiful eulogy, and it was good to be with family for the whole weekend.".....................Shirley and family

Lucky Las Madres Members
Randi won $1000 on KARA's $1000 Thursday and the Simmons family won a free future cruise for two on this summer's cruise.

College Info

Shirley passed on the following item of interest, "A few tidbits from the recent America's Best Colleges issue of USNews.  I enjoy reading this issue, though I think some of it is a self-fulfilling prophecy.  They ask academic people about academic reputation of schools- so I would think if they see the school on the USNews list, they may continue to rate it well, etc.  But it is fun, anyway, and quite a few schools some of us attended, or our children are attending made the list.  Schools are ranked on reputation, retention and graduation rates, class size, difficulty of entrance and alumni giving rate....................Hope I haven't bored all of you - you know (I) love statistics and lists!!!
I will bring the magazine to the meeting at Sharon's"

Best National Universities:   #1, for the first time is a science and engineering school...CalTech

      3. MIT
    20. UC Berkeley
    25. UCLA
    32. UCSD
    34. U of Illinois- C-Urbana
    42. UCDavis, USC
    44. UCSB

In the Second Tier were:
    Colorado State, George Washington University, University of Denver, and University of San Diego.

In the Third Tier:
     New School University  and University of New Mexico..

Top Public National Universities:
      1. Berkeley
      3. UCLA
      7. UCSD
      8. Illinois
    12. Davis
    13. UCSB

Best Regional Schools:   These are rated the same way, but are schools with few PHD programs.
     In the West:
     2.  Santa Clara University
     4.  Gonzaga University
     5.  CalPoly- SLO
    21. Humboldt State University
    22. Sonoma State
    23. Chico

Top Regional Public Schools in the West:
    1. CalPoly- SLO
    4. Humboldt State
    5. Sonoma State
    6. Chico
    7. CalPoly-Pomona
    8. Fresno
    9. Sac State
  10. San Jose State

For those of us with kids in engineering Programs, this is of interest:

   Schools with a PhD programs:
     1. MIT
     3. Berkeley
   18. UCLA
   32. UCSD, USC

   Schools with no PhD programs:
     4. CalPoly-SLO
   26. San Jose State
   50. Chico

Adam Gerlinger's New Info

Adam's new email address at Chico is  He is staying at Lassen Hall and interested people can email him for his address and phone.

Congratulations to Melinda Gomez for being named a Top Twenty Lifeguard at Raging Waters.

Meeting at Mary's?

When I sent the e-mail asking, "Who is hosting the September meeting?" I received the following reply from Mary, "I have a GREAT idea---it can be at my house. It has been at least 4 years
since I have hosted a meeting. Ha! We can play Bunko and have Margaritas. Sounds good to me. Please RSVP. Ha! Ha!

I told her that I was game but we would have to do it as a weekend out Friday night and fly back Sunday night. Her response was, "That sure would be neat. Depending on when it would be, we could get some skiing in or go shopping and then see a play in the evening. I know I could think of some fun stuff to do. Tell everyone I said "Hi". Take care."

........while we are on the subject of hosting meetings.......who is hosting the November meeting?



10. Why it's good to have five pairs of black shoes.
9. The difference between cream, ivory, and off-white.
8. Crying can be fun.
6. A salad, diet drink, and a hot fudge sundae make a balanced lunch.
5. Discovering a designer dress on the clearance rack can be considered a peak life experience.
4. The inaccuracy of every bathroom scale ever made.
3. A good man might be hard to find, but a good hairdresser is next to impossible.
2. Why a phone call between two women never lasts under ten minutes.


The Best of WWWomen Sites

President - Shirley D'Agosta
Newsletter - Ginny Gomez
Treasurer - Vicki Rasmussen
Historian - Randi Heinrichsen 1