Las Madres '80 East


February 17
Dinner & Movie Meeting
6 pm
Contact: Sally

February 19
Coffee Field Trip
9 am
Starbuck's in Almaden Shopping Plaza
Contact: Randi


1st    Kacey Roessler (Happy 25th!)
        John Castagnoli (Happy 28th!)
3rd   Walt Wilson
10th  Shirley D'Agosta
14th  Jim Cuneo
16th  Christopher (Happy 19th!)
25th  Marvin Balaoro (Happy 25th!)
28th  Linda Good
29th  Mathew Hennig (Happy 29th!)

When: Thursday, February 17, 6 pm
Where: TBA
What: Dinner & Movie

We decided on dinner and movie. Either Camera movies at the Pruneyard ($6 admission if there are 10 of us----I told people I had $5 tickets, which I do, but you can only use 2 a night) and dinner at Hobee's----or Cine Arts at Santana Row and dinner at a Mexican restaurant there. Kind of depends on what's playing. Right now plan is "The Aviator" if it is still playing. So the week of the Feb. 14, I will send out the actual movie, place and time. But if people want a dinner and/or movie night, they can circle 2/17 6PM..........Sally

Notes from the Prez

This is what I have: corrections are always welcome in case a missed some date or activity. We do have 3 meeting dates open for some lucky person to volunteer. Don't have to commit to the agenda right now, just sign up.

February 17 Sally has the next meeting dinner and movie
February 19 Away coffee (maybe check out a place for the Sept. 17th reunion)
March 4-6 ladies weekend at Berkley/Emeryville
March 17 Shirley to host meeting
March 19 8 ball at Ginny's
April 21 Sue Butler to host meeting
May 19 Robin to host meeting
June 3-5 Los Padres Golf weekend
June 16 Ruth to host meeting
July 21 Randi to host meeting
July 30-Aug. 6 Pinecrest
August 18 Meeting____________________
August 27 Bocco @ the park (Randi is checking into park by her house)
September 15 Meeting____________________
September 17 1980 East Mom's reunion lunch and evening with the families at TBA
October 7-9 Ladies Fall weekend trip to Aptos
October 20 Meeting ___________________________
October 22 Octoberfest at Janis (Janis & Robin planning)
October 27-30 weekend Randi's play at school
November 17 Vicki to host meeting
December Christmas party (Editor believes that Merrilee has volunteered to host this again!)
Dec. 25 Open house at the Butler's

Other activities: Bunko hosted either by Sharon or Shirley date TBA

Start saving for our next cruise Summer 2006 Details in the next few months...............Sue :]

Our Condolences
Our condolences to the Roessler family on the recent passing of Keith's father.

Aptos in October
For the weekend arriving Friday October 7 around 2:00 and leaving Sunday afternoon, the cost would be $1,000. There is a linen service so you don't need to bring sheets or towels (except very large towels for hot tubbing or the beach). Also, there is a blender. She is checking with the property management
company to make sure that weekend is available.

Dues & 2005 Roster
It is 2005, and we will be celebrating our 25th year as Las Madres '80 East. We don't want anyone to miss the fun. Whether you live nearby.....or faraway...........make sure to send your $12 yearly dues to Vicki.

Anyone who has not sent in their dues by the end of January, will be dropped from all future e-mails for the club. Also, a new club roster will be made in February and sent by e-mail to all paid members by the end of that month.

Ladies' Early Spring Trip!
After much hemming and hawing and negotiating dates, those of us at the planning meeting could only find one weekend where we all could go on a spring trip, March 4-6. We decided to go local to Oakland/Berkeley/Emeryville(people who have to work Friday can come up since it is only about an hour away). We are centering part of our trip around Janis' idea to go to the Sharfen-Bergen(sp?) Chocolate(very decadent!) Factory in Emeryville. She is making a reservation for us for Saturday morning at 10:30am and then we will have lunch afterwards at the Cafe Cacao. On Sunday it has been suggested we go to Alameda to the big antique fair that is there the first Sunday of the month(how lucky are we!). There are also lots of places to explore in Jack London Square, Berkeley, etc. So... I have reserved 3 suites at the Executive Inn & Suites on the Oakland Estuary( The suites have 2 queen size beds, water view, fridge, microwave, 2 TV's, and more. A nice Continental breakfast is also included in the price. The price is approx. $175 per night per suite. We will divide the cost by the total number of people. So.... if you want to go, get a $25 non-refundable deposit in to Vicki ASAP. If you need any more info, e-mail Randi.

Golf Date
Lou has procured a house at Forest Meadows for the weekend of June 3-5th. It is not the Aacker house, as they wanted to wait until almost that date to confirm. It looks nice and roomy-near the 7th green. Also has some tee times for Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Contact Lou if you are interested in going.

Future Dreaming
In the beginning "planning" stages is a possible cruise to the Mediterranean in JULY of '06! Many people have expressed interest since the Alaska cruise to do this. I have also been in contact with Della Bynum(those of you who know her know she lives now in Reno) who was also starting to plan a similar trip. So I have put my mom (Betty, the travel agent who will never retire) into the game. She has talked to all the cruise reps and none of the itineraries or prices are out yet for summer of '06. However, the itineraries are usually similar to the previous year. Her agency is now part of a huge cruise consortium(largest in the US) so they can get us better group rates and more perks(because they deal with so many clients and groups). So, my mom sent me brochures from Royal Caribbean, Celebrity, Princess, and Holland America. We should have more details and pricing in a month or so. People have expressed interest in especially going to a couple of the Greek Islands (i.e Mykonos, Santorini), Athens, Turkey, Italy, Monte Carlo, Spain, etc. So there are a number of options to explore. If you have any suggestions, please e-mail me at

Saturday Coffee Clatches Continue
Meet your Las Madres friends for some coffee and conversation at the Starbuck's at White and Aborn on Saturday mornings at 9am. Every third Saturday is a field trip. We are going to meet at the Starbuck's in Almaden Shopping Plaza (near Costco) on February 19th. The motivation to go there is the shopping there.... it is one of the few malls that has a Tuesday Morning and then you can explore the other places such as Bed, Bath and Beyond, Barnes and Noble, the new BiG Trader Joe's, etc. We are also going to check out "Artopia," for a possible meeting place. They offer classes (kind of like the pottery painting classes we did in Willow Glen) but more! You can create mosaics, painted glassware, candle making, clay sculpting, terracotta pots to paint, wood projects, etc.there. So, come join us for coffee and a little shopping, exploring and the usual....

You lovers of the English language might enjoy this . . .

There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that is "UP."

It's easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the
morning, why do we wake UP? At a meeting, why does a topic come UP? Why do we speak UP and why are the officers UP for election and why is it UP to the secretary to write UP a report?

We call UP our friends. And we use it to brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver, we warm UP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen. We lock UP the house and some guys fix UP the old car. At other times the little word has real special meaning.

People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses. To be dressed is one thing but to be dressed UP is special.

And this UP is confusing: A drain must be opened UP because it is stopped UP. We open UP a store in the morning but we close it UP at night.

We seem to be pretty mixed UP about UP! To be knowledgeable about the proper uses of UP, look the word UP in the dictionary. In a desk-sized dictionary, it takes UP almost 1/4th of the page and can add UP to about thirty definitions.

If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the many ways UP is used. It will take UP a lot of your time, but if you don't give UP, you may wind UP with a hundred or more. When it threatens to rain, we say it
is clouding UP.

When the sun comes out we say it is clearing UP. When it rains, it wets the earth and often messes things UP. When it doesn't rain for awhile, things dry UP.

One could go on and on, but I'll wrap it UP, for now my time is UP, so...
Time to shut UP...! more thing:

What is the first thing you do in the morning & the last thing you do at night?....U-P


Send an online Valentine's Day card!

President - Sue Butler
Treasurer - Vicki Rasmussen
Newsletter & Webmaster - Ginny Gomez
Coffee Coordinator - Randi Heinrichsen
Executive Committee - Randi Heinrichsen, Joan Wilson and Sally Brooks-Schulke