Las Madres '80 East

Happy New Year


January 16
Planning Meeting
7:15 pm
Shirley's House
Contact: Kathy or Shirley

January 18
Coffee Field Trip
9 am
Santana Row Starbuck's
Contact: Robin or Tina

January 22 or 29
Craft Night
7:15 pm
?'s House
Contact: Vicki

1st          Adam Gerlinger (Happy 22nd!)
              Sue Ballard

6th         Tim Good
11th        Mary Ryan
             Shanna Smith (Happy 16th!)

13th       Adam Reid (Happy 23rd!)    
14th       Krystal Nevoli (Happy 16th!)
16th       Vicki Rasmussen

22nd      Tim Ballard (Happy 23rd!)
22nd      Gary Nevoli
24th      Jim Ryan (Happy 23rd!)

27th      Lisa Cuneo (Happy 15th!)

January Meeting
What: Our Annual Planning Meeting
When:  Thursday, January 16, 7:15pm
Where:  Shirley's House
Bring your calendar and ideas.

Saturday Coffee Clatches Continue
Meet your Las Madres friends for some coffee and conversation at the Starbuck's at White and Aborn on Saturday mornings at 9am.  Every third Saturday is a "field trip" - check the Coming Events calendar for the location of this month's excursion.  This month we will be going to Santana Row for a little "window shopping".

Attainable New Year's Resolutions

This year, I resolve to...
1. Procrastinate more. Starting tomorrow.
2. Spend more time at work, surfing at really high speeds!
3. Take a vacation to someplace important: like, to see the largest ball of twine.
4. Not jump off a cliff just because everyone else did.
5. Not have eight children at once.
6. Get in a whole NEW rut!
7. Not swim with pirhanas or sharks.
8. Break at least one traffic law.
9. Spend my summer vacation in Cyberspace.
10. Not eat cloned meat.
11. Create loose ends.
12. Not believe politicians.
13. Not drive a motorized vehicle across thin ice.
14. Stay off the MIR space station.
15. Spread out priorities beyond my ability to keep track of them.
16. Wait around for opportunity.
17. Spend money on my kids.
18. Not join the circus.
19. Say "Yes" at least once.
20. Never make New Year's resolutions again.

New Year Computer

Plan ahead for our Santana Row Field Trip!

President - Kathy Roessler
Treasurer - Vicki Rasmussen
Newsletter & Webmaster - Ginny Gomez
Coffee Co-Coordinators - Robin Nevoli & Tina Cuneo
Executive Committee - Randi Heinrichsen, Joan Wilson and Sally Brooks-Schulke