Las Madres '80 East


July 15
International Potluck at Randi's
Surprise Baby Shower for Grandma Joan

July 25
Family  BBQ at Creekside

September 26
Beach Blanket Breakfast at New Brighton
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October 15-17
Pacific Grove Weekend
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            1st       Mike Ballard
                        Jerry Katz
            10th     Tina Simmons
            11th     Kelli Castagnoli
            12th     Chad Kranak
            14th     Brian Pitcher
                        Don Pitcher
            18th     Jeremy Brown
                        Kevin Simmons
            20th     Janis Gerlinger
                        Connie Smith
            26th     Claire Brooks-Schulke
                        Gary Gerlinger
            27th     Doug Eastman IV
                        David Painter
                        Joan Wilson
            28th     Keith Roessler
            29th     Jenny Pitcher
                        Shana Katz

        July Meeting
        When:  July 15, 7:15PM
            Where:  Randi's
            What:  International Potluck
            RSVP:  Randi
        Randi says "The meeting as you know is at my house on July 15 at 7:15 pm.  We are going to
        have an international Pot Luck.  Everyone needs to RSVP and let me know what dish and
        from what country the dish is from so we don't have a million desserts and no main dishes,
        etc.  Also I was thinking it would be nice if people could e-mail the recipe to (Ginny, prior to
        the meeting so that she could) put in the next newsletter or on the LM web page because
        everyone is always asking for the 'good' recipes and people could then access the ones they
        want online.  Also,... everyone (is) to bring their high school yearbook and put a tab on the
        pages they want others to look at so we can all have a good laugh!

July Newsletter Addendum

Surprise Baby Shower for Grandma Joan

Kendra Nichole Wilson
June 7, 1999

       Sharon suggested we have a shower for Joan's grandmotherhood. It will be SURPRISE!!
       Bring something wrapped to the July meeting at Randi's. Joan can open it, and then Sharon will
       box it up and mail to Greg and his family. It can be baby supplies, clothes, toys, whatever. Just
       a little reminder to Greg that he has a Las Madres family still here in San Jose. It has been a
       while since we had a shower (Claire will be 7 soon), so this will be fun. If you can't come
       and want to give a gift, try to get it to someone before the meeting. That way it can get into the
       box to mail, and Joan can open it then.

Remember: This is a SURPRISE!


Family BBQ at Creekside

            When:  Sunday, July 25, 1-6PM
            Where:  Creekside Cabana Club
            What:  BBQ & Swimming
            RSVP:  Robin
        Come join the group for an afternoon in the sun at Creekside Cabana Club.  Bring your own
        meat and a side dish to share.  Cost is $2 per person at the gate.  The club will provide plates,
        silverware, and napkins.  RSVP Robin to let her know what dish you will be bringing.

      PACIFIC GROVE Update from Dee
        "Our trip to PACIFIC GROVE is scheduled for the weekend of October 15. Sue Butler,
        Kathy, Robin and her mom, Shirley, Randi, Janis and Dee have reserved a spot. We only
        have two rooms this year, so if you would like to join us, call Dee to grab one one of the 4
        remaining places."


Cindy and Don Pitcher will be celebrating 30 years of "wedded bliss" on July 26th.
Congratulations to them!


Ginny and Tom Gomez will be celebrating 25 years of "wedded bliss" on July 20th.
Congratulations to us!

   Greg's 50th Birthday Party

        Dee says, "The Roesslers, Rasmussens, Pitchers and Wilsons came to Greg's 50th birthday
        party on June 26, and we spent a wonderfully relaxing evening sitting around the "campfire".
        By the light of an almost full moon, and tiki torches, we enjoyed our two favorite LM activities
        - eating and talking.  (Thanks to these very generous friends, $50 will be donated to the Wish
        Book in Greg's honor)."


        Brett Nevoli will be attending Evergreen Valley College and continue working at Save Mart.

        Jacob Verhoeven will be joining the Navy as a hospital corpsman in February.  In the meantime he will be attending a semester at either West Valley or DeAnza College.

        KIDS' KORNER

        Congratulations to Denise Heinrichsen for having a very successful semester.  She placed 2nd
        at Spirit Nationals and was selected to be a Varsity cheerleader for next year.  She also was
        chosen to be in Who's Who for American High School Students and earned straight A's on
        her report card.

        A Poem by an Old Timer

        A computer was something on TV
        From a science fiction show of note.
        A window was something you hated to clean....
        And ram was the cousin of a goat.....

        Meg was the name of my girlfriend
        And gig was a job for the nights
        Now they all mean different things
        And that really mega bytes

        An application was for employment
        A program was a TV show
        A cursor used profanity
        A keyboard was a piano

        Memory was something that you lost with age
        A CD was a bank account
        And if you had a 3 " floppy
        You hoped nobody found out

        Compress was something you did to the garbage
        Not something you did to a file
        And if you unzipped anything in public
        You'd be in jail for a while

        Log on was adding wood to the fire
        Hard drive was a long trip on the road
        A mouse pad was where a mouse lived
        And a backup happened to your commode

        Cut you did with a pocket knife
        Paste you did with glue
        A web was a spider's home
        And a virus was the flu

        I guess I'll stick to my pen and paper
        And the memory in my head
        I hear nobody's been killed in a computer crash
        But when it happens they wish they were dead!

Grab your blanket and be prepared to OHHHHHH and AHHHHHHH.

        President - Shirley D'Agosta
        Newsletter - Ginny Gomez
        Treasurer - Vicki Rasmussen
        Historian - Randi Heinrichsen 1